About Us
The history of Julius-K9 company began with the establishment of Julius Export 2000 Bt. as a family enterprise in 1997.The first orders came from police units with service dogs. The first products (muzzles, leashes etc.) were supplied to Austrian and Hungarian companies and authorities.By 1997 they were able to successfully raise enough capital to start the company. At that time the company used a 15m² garage which served as a warehouse. All of revenues were invested in the development of the company. Their first major breakthrough was attributed to the outstanding results which they had achieved with several dog units in Austria, and eventually gained popularity in other countries around Europe.
Julius-K9 Velcro National Flags – Pair of Labels for Julius-K9 Harness Power or Belt
These white light emitting attachable labels for harness allow others to see the status of dog, such as if it's a guide dog, sniffer dog, security dog or even if they should pet it or not. Fun labels are also available, such as 'Girl Power' and 'Hero'.